Martes, Disyembre 11, 2012

Grapeseed extract(Proflavanol) Baby battles Allergy

USANA Grapeseed vs. other brands
This is Bella, she's my daughter, born as a healthy 6.3 lbs baby girl on November 29, 2009. She was really cute, and most people peeking on the nursery window thought so too.She was very red when she was born. I thought this was good because her skin was rosy and i associated that with a lot of blood and of course good circulation.
When she was 2 months old, i noticed tiny red spots appearing first on her cheeks, then spreading like wild fire on her face, then her body. We got an appointment with her pediatrician and found out that she has a sensitive skin. She needed to change milk from an ordinary Nan pro 1 to Nan Pro Gold. She also has to change her soap to Cetaphil, a milder and pricey soap, and even had to put on a corticosteroid type of ointment on her skin everyday (My Gosh, she was a few months old, and she's taking in steroids!)

 After a few weeks, the rashes subsided, but then when the temperature was cold, it would eventually return, we had to put socks on her hands to minimize her itching.
Baby fights AllergyBaby Fights AllergyBaby Fights Allergy
A few months later, an infectious skin disease struck her, first on the nose, then it spreaded to her cheeks and then to her ears..again we had to see her pediatrician, this time she prescribed another type of topical corticosteroid for skin infections, antibiotics and other ointments. She also suffered asthma, and was frequently sick, because of the steroids she was taking in for her skin. Her immune system was down, and we were clueless on how to help her because medications has affected her body, and still we have to control her allergies.
When she was more than a year old, I saw USANA's proflavanol, and many people testifying how great it did for their children. Basically, I was very doubtful at first, but since these products are manufactured the highest quality possible and organic, so I gave it a go. I started to pulvorize these tablets (other grapeseed extracts are in oil form, Usana manufactures it in tablet form because it is proven to be more absorbable that way). At first, I pulvorized half a tablet, and mixed it with her milk, she didn't notice the difference in taste so I did it again the following days.

After a few weeks, i noticed her rashes attacks were getting infrequent. Her skin was slowly becoming fairer, smoother and glowing. And the best part is I noticed she has less bouts of flu, and other sickness she frequently had before. I was totally amazed her asthma went away. Grapeseed extract has a lot of benefits, it doesn't contain any antihistamines, but has anti-inflammatory properties which helps in alleviating the symptoms of asthma (inflammation of airway) and skin allergy. And moreover, it is 50 times more powerful than vitamin E and 30 times more powerful than vitamin C, that's why it boosts the immune system. I was relieved and thankful I trusted my guts and went with it, well we saved a lot of money, we didn't have to check with her pedia as frequently as before, the medications went away and gosh we save her from all those steroids!

Now at 3 years old, she turned out to be a beautiful, smart and healthy kid. I did not regret giving her USANA's proflavanol, the benefits were astounding.. and that is my real story..

I was hesitant to try this before, but with the good feedback and testimonials, I gave it a try, and it work for me, it can work for you too. 

To learn more about USANA, you can visit
Distributor no. 6440824

                 This is my first day to post a blog, and i'm very excited to share real people and their stories behind the products of USANA health Sciences. I've been marketing these products for quite some time now, and i've encountered a lot of people, even people who i practically don't know who were really happy with the way the USANA products worked for them. This was created for the dissemination of information on ways how to live a healthier life, the healthier way.
               USANA products are supplements backed up by scientific research, and was grounded on the mission that people live a healthier life, that is by preventing sickness, and making people healthier on the cellular level. These products can't be bought on local drugstores, these are supplied by distributors. On contrary to other people's notion, these supplements are not ALTERNATIVES to medicines, nor they promise an instant healing effect, instead they support the bodily functions, so as to make our body healthier to fight off the free radicals (pollution, chemicals, radiation, stress, unhealthy food choices, unhealthy lifestyles) that are the main reasons why our body ages prematurely, withers away at a younger age, and have lower resistance to sickness.
                Here I will share real people, with real stories.. And that's including my personal stories...